Get in touch - I’m happy to answer any questions

Frequently Asked Questions - please scroll down to see answers


Get in touch

Thank you for your interest! 

Please find Frequently Asked Questions on this page.

If you have any questions after reading sessions descriptions and FAQ regarding a session or booking and you would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Call or text +44 7926881087  (WhatsApp)


Work hours: I am based in England Avalon – if you cant see any times availability suitable for your time zone please contact me and we will find suitable time for both of us.

Tuesday -Friday 6.30-9pm UK time BST

Saturday 2-5pm  UK time BST

Get in touch

Looking For Inspiration

I offer distant healing / coaching sessions anywhere around the world. If you’re not sure which session will be best for you to book or have any other questions fill the form below.

Once I receive your email, I will do my best to respond to you promptly. 

Please allow of 24 hours for a response. Thank you.

    I’m here to help

    I’m available to answer any questions you have and to be a helping hand for your wellbeing.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I book healing/coaching session?

    Click on Book session it will take you to Calendly page, choose day and time suitable, confirm, enter your details and click to Pay with PayPal. Then you will have option to login to PayPal or to pay by card with PayPal Guest Checkout.

    When you done this you should receive email with confirmation and Zoom link for session booked. If you have not received email within 30 minutes please contact me on 

    Please read Legal disclaimer and Terms & conditions before booking any session.

    I want to book longer session or multiple sessions?

    If you want to book multiple sessions (for which you will receive discount) or longer healing session, please contact me first to discuss this by send me email or text +44 7926881087  WhatsApp Or Telegram and I will send you payment request from PayPal. 

    I am not sure which session to book can you help me?

    A.Click on top of the page to book free 20 minutes session 


    0r send me email

    or text +44 7926881087  WhatsApp Or Telegram

    Are the sessions confidential?

    Yes everything that happened during the private session is stays between the two of us.

    Which methods of payments is available?

    When you click to book session on Healing sessions, Activations and Attunements, Coaching and Card Reading, Group Healing Events pages it will take you to Paypal link. Where will be 2 choices to pay by PayPal or pay by card.

    If you don’t use Paypal contact me to arrange payment by bank transfer and I will book session for you.

    How to prepare for healing session?

    I recommend having a bath or shower with Epsom salt before healing, grounding, smudging with Sage, Palo Santo or incense to cleanse energies; do meditation or listen tranquil music, so you feel peaceful and relaxed.

    Can I buy a session for someone else?

    Yes you can but only if they have desire to work with me so make sure they want to receive healing.

    You will have to communicate clearly through email, for whom it is and connect us so we can communicate about if the type of healing they required is correct, preparation for healing and send Zoom link.

    What to expect from 1 to 1 healing session?

    We will meet on Zoom and have a few minutes chat during which we discuss any concerns, questions of complains that you have and you wish to work on. After we have all clarified, you will need to set your intentions. I will start the healing guided by Your and my Divine Teams working together. There will be quiet soothing relaxation music on background so you feel calm and relaxed. Best place for you to receive healing is to be in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, lying in bed where you will be really comfortable, with lights dimmed or off. You can light your favourite candles or incense. 

    Then I will begin to channel wonderful healing energies from many beings of Light , you may feel warmth or cold, tingling, see many visions or symbols, have emotional release and receive messages. Or you may not see of feel anything just relaxed and peaceful or just fall in sleep and wake up when healing is finished. Same person can see and feel a lot in one session and on next session will be just in deep sleep. Every session is unique experience and depends on type of healing. It will be different as Teams will be working on what exactly you need to clear, release, heal and activations you receive which you need at that time. We both will be silent while treatment takes place.

    After the Healing we will have another chat, where we discuss what you have experienced, what I have seen and any messages received for you. Depending on type of healing I will answer your questions and give you suggestions what can you work on between sessions to improve your health, relationships, abundance etc and what to expect after healing session.

    What to expect from 1 to 1 coaching session?

    We will meet on Zoom and have a few chat during which we discuss any concerns, questions of complains that you have and you wish to work on. I will be answering on your questions and give you suggestions what can you do to how to improve issues that you have with your health : how to eat healthy, supplements, exercise, meditation, affirmations, grounding, breathing techniques, any healing session which will be beneficial to you, books to read, videos to watch. 

    Awakening and Ascension coaching: you will receive information so you understand what it is and how to go through this as whole planet going through this now and what to do how to eat healthy to raise your vibration, supplements, exercise, meditation, grounding, breathing techniques, any healing session which will be beneficial to you, books to read, videos to watch.

    What to expect from group healing session?

    We will meet on Zoom in private group and have a few minutes chat during which we discuss any concerns, questions that anyone have. After we have all clarified, you will need to set your intentions. I will start the healing guided by everyone and my Divine Teams working together. There will be quiet soothing relaxation music on background so you feel calm and relaxed. Best place for you to receive healing is to be in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, lying in bed where you will be really comfortable, with lights dimmed or off. You can light your favourite candles or incense. 

    Then I will begin to channel wonderful healing energies from many beings of Light , you may feel warmth or cold, tingling, see many visions or symbols, have emotional release and receive messages. Or you may not see of feel anything just relaxed and peaceful or just fall in sleep and wake up when healing is finished. Same person can see and feel a lot in one session and on next session will be just in deep sleep. Every session is unique experience and depends on type of healing. It will be different as Teams will be working on what exactly you need to clear, release, heal and activations you receive which you need at that time. We all will be silent while treatment takes place.

    After the Healing we will have another chat, where we share what you have experienced, what I have seen and any messages received for all of us, I am not channelling any private messages.

    What happen after healing session?

    Depending on type of healing received you will be releasing what doesn’t serve you for 3 days after and may fell tired and emotional, so I will advise you to take easy be gentle with yourself, how to take care of yourself and what to do to help with releasing. After you released what you needed your activations will come through  your spiritual gifts that you had asked for. Its not an instant the process takes time.

    How do I know if Inner Child Healing will benefit me?

    We all experience Inner Child Wounding. If you’re struggling with healing any of the below wounding programs, the Inner Child Healing Session is for you. 

    Guilt wound: feels sorry or bad, doesn’t like to ask for things, is afraid to set boundaries, normally attracts people who make them feel guilty. 

    Trust wound: Is afraid to be hurt, doesn’t trust themselves, find ways not to trust people, feels insecure and needs lots of external validation, doesn’t feel safe, normally attracts people who don’t feel safe. 

    Abandonment wound: feels left out, is afraid of being abandoned, hates being alone, is co-dependent, threatens to leave, normally attracts emotionally unavailable people. 

    Neglect wound: struggles to let things go, has low self-worth, gets angry easily, struggles to say no, represses emotions, shies away from being vulnerable, normally attracts people who don’t appreciate them or make them feel “seen”.

    What to expect from Oracle Card reading?

    We will meet on Zoom and have a chat about your burning questions and want to find out answers. I will receive messages from your Divine Team, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Fairies, Unicorns, Galactic beings or Animal Spirit Guides.

    Oracle Card reading will give insight into your life so you can feel inspired to take control and create the life you want, help you to discover your magic and transform
    your life, improving your reality and gaining the confidence to do so. It offers you a chance to believe in yourself to live the life you want without fear and doubt.

    You will receive clearing, healing and activations as well, as anything I do I always share my healing energy through my voice, activate spiritual awakening and spiritual


    What to expect from Practice Oracle Card reading and channeling session?

    In Practice Oracle Card Reading and Channeling coaching session: you’ll learn how to connect with the energies of the Divine Beings that guide you in this earthly realm as
    you travel your path. Through cards, sensing the Divine Beings energies and opening your channel of communication, you’ll establish the most intimate connection and
    forge a new one on one relationship with your own Divine Spirit Team.

    You will receive clearing, healing and activations as well, as anything I do, I always share my healing energy through my voice, activate spiritual awakening and spiritual

